The results are in and our 2023 JWGA Champion is Tama Caldabaugh with an awesome three round total of 226. Tama was followed closely by Therese Quinn with a score of 230. Not only is Tama this year’s Champion but today marks her 6th JWGA Championship win. Congratulations to Tama and all of our flight winners.

2023 JWGA Champion
Eagle Landing witnessed some spectacular scores today with both Therese Quinn and Shauna Snyder shooting a remarkable 71. In our NIT Division, Jody Clark shot an impressive score of 72. BJ Hayden beat Chrisy Wright in a scorecard playoff for Low Putts each with scores of 27. Please visit our website to see all of today’s results.
Thank you to Eagle Landing for hosting us and to our Club Rep, Arlene Sherrod, who acted as our liaison to the club and handled registration. We appreciate all you do Arlene.
2023-2024 Dues: Dues for the 2023-24 season will be collected at each of our events through the end of the season. You may drop your check off at registration, mail it to Helen Short or pay via Venmo – please see my email dated April 14 for details. Don’t forget, there is a $10 late fee for payment after June 15, 2023.
There are only three events left this season so please sign up and join us. Registration is open for the following:
April 26 – Mixed Couples – Jacksonville Golf and Country Club – Don’t miss out on the opportunity to play in this special couples tournament. In this Pinehurst event, both players tee off, then they switch balls. Player A plays Player B’s drive, and vice-versa. They then select the best of the second shots, and from that point until the ball is holed they play only one ball in an alternate shot format. Registration closes on April 22.
May 3 – St. John’s County Course – 1 Gross on the Even Holes plus 1 Net on the Odd Holes will determine your team score for this event. Registration for this event is open and you can make your own foursome. PLEASE NOTE: St. John’s County Course is located at 4900 Cypress Links Blvd, Elkton, FL. DO NOT confuse it with St. John’s G&CC on Hwy 210. Registration closes on April 29.
May 8 – Closing Day – Palencia – Closing Day registration is open and will consist of golf, lunch, awards, a general meeting and the election of new officers. Yes, it will be a big day! The format is 3-2-1: 3 net balls on 3’s, 2 net balls on 4’s, 1 net ball on 5’s. This is a “make your own foursome” so get your team together for a day of competition, camaraderie and fun. If you don’t have a team, sign up and we will pair you with others. Registration closes on May 5.
Make it a great day!
Linda Hoffman,
President – JWGA